Metal Yard

Metal yard is a reliable manufacturer inviting all its global esteem patrons to a well-equipped industry to see all ranges of products. The industry team of professionals and experts are working harder to bring out the stunning quality of varieties of easily sustainable products. The industry is working harder to offer a wide range of products like fasteners, flanges, strips, round bars, shafting rods, tubes, and pipes. Also, the industry is offering the product in various suitable alloys like super duplex stainless steel, titanium, stainless steel, duplex stainless steel, Monel, Incoloy, Inconel, Hastelloy etc.

We offer the product in a wide comprehensive range per the demands of the esteem patrons. The offered product range is produced under the strict guidance of professionals so that easily all application demands can be satisfied. The product range they are supplying to its buyers is made up of suitable raw materials that add strength to the product quality. Also, they are considering various raw material standard qualities. As the product is produced by using high-quality alloy effectively, it tends to add various good properties. These are high tensile strength, rugged construction, resistivity, dimensional accuracy, durability, flexibility, longevity etc.


Productos y Servicios
ASTM A312 SS TP304 / 304L Pipes and Tubes
Metal Yard is one of the top most leading A312 TP304/304L PIPES / TUBES producing industry. They are well established and acclaimed industry following all industry set up ruled and regulation for making the superior quality of pipe and tubes. The industry is also making use of top-notch quality of a..

Información de la Empresa

Metal Yard
Baja California, MEXICO

Metal Yard
Baja California, MEXICO




Palabras Relacionadas con el sitio: fasteners, flanges, strips, round bars, shafting rods, tubes, and pipes., en Baja California, MEXICO, fasteners, flanges, strips, round bars, shafting rods, tubes, and pipes., en Baja California, MéxicoMEXICO, México